No Toast No Ape
Whatsapp convo with me and D on 17/04/21
Me: "no toast no ape?"
D: "yea that’s the plan for now"
The deeper you dive into any industry the weirder the acronyms and abbreviations get. However, I'm not sure any thing comes close to what you see when reading crypto blogs, articles or tweets.
When I sent the message "No toast no ape" what I really meant was "are you only investing in coins which have been given the green light by the twitter account @toastETH (previously loafETH and now croissantETH)?". But as you can see it was a lot easier to type the four words "No Toast no ape"
The crazy financial returns (and ruins) that can be found in crypto often result in high levels of euphoria and despair and rightly so the community have come up with some interesting terminology to describe this:
Ape: Buying a coin with little to no research
FUD: Fear Uncertainty and Doubt (spreading bad news about a coin)
Moon: a significant increase in price (your moneys going up boy! At this point you can start asking questions like "wen lambo?"
HODL: Hold On for Dear Life - diamond hands - never sell
Ngmi: not gonna make it (your stupidity won't let you make any money in a market where everything goes up 1000%)
Wagmi: Teamwork makes the dreamwork - We All Gonna Make It - Hakunamatata
The more time you spend in crypto the more of this kind of terminology you stumble across and the more you find yourself using it in your everyday activities. But what's even more important is paying attention to the terminology so you don't miss out on the next 100x coin or even worse end up being a bag holder because you didn't notice all the FUD flying around.
The fascinating part about all of this is when you realise that people from all four corners of the world are actually effectively communicating using all of this foreign terminology. On top of that, they are also using it as a basis of making significant investment decisions.